Reviews, Reflections, Recollections

Just a blog filled with my usual irreverent observations about life and all that.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

enjoys reading and is perpetually trying to find space for all of the books he owns in his room. He also enjoys films, and in particular, going to the cinema. Although a self-confessed trivia buff, reports that he is an insufferable know-it-all are completely unfounded. He enjoys a nice glass of tipple now and then, be it a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a single malt whisky.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


The British are busy celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Trafalgar - the battle that is not the square (but of course you knew this already!). It is being so trumpeted mainly because of the following (1) they thrashed the French no less (2) The British have this thing about naval supremacy and this battle more than anything else underlined that.

More instructive I think would be for them to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the entente cordiale with France, though it would be far less popular. In terms of keeping with the times, it would be even more instructive if they were to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Suez Crisis next year, as that event more than anything is representative of what happened in the end - imperial retreat.


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