Reviews, Reflections, Recollections

Just a blog filled with my usual irreverent observations about life and all that.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

enjoys reading and is perpetually trying to find space for all of the books he owns in his room. He also enjoys films, and in particular, going to the cinema. Although a self-confessed trivia buff, reports that he is an insufferable know-it-all are completely unfounded. He enjoys a nice glass of tipple now and then, be it a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a single malt whisky.

Saturday, January 14, 2006


Had two collections yesterday which I just about survived, having stayed up most of the evening before to revise for. Don't think they went fantastically well, which means I will have to redouble my efforts at revision.

Later in the evening went by Chiaulings and spent a long time chatting to her and Jeremy, Julian, and Li Lib.

Went home and slept.

Tomorrow looks a lot more relaxing - mahjong in the evening, a bop and some time to prepare for the start of the term.


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