Reviews, Reflections, Recollections

Just a blog filled with my usual irreverent observations about life and all that.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

enjoys reading and is perpetually trying to find space for all of the books he owns in his room. He also enjoys films, and in particular, going to the cinema. Although a self-confessed trivia buff, reports that he is an insufferable know-it-all are completely unfounded. He enjoys a nice glass of tipple now and then, be it a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a single malt whisky.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Absolute Disaster.....

I feel like an utter and total idiot. Things have gone completely pear-shaped with my Harvard application and it is completely my fault. The main thing is that I got the deadline wrong - I thought it was today the 3rd of January but it turns out it was yesterday. I really shouldn't have procrastinated for so long but I thought I could have finished it off today. Things have not been easy seeing that I was pretty much marooned in the lodge over the past 12 days or so, but I really should have checked the deadline and furthermore I still had yesterday to finish it, which I didn't. Now I went to all the trouble of getting things posted, to get recommendations and to write my statement of intention for nothing.

Seeing that I decided not to apply to the M.A at Yale - too much economics focus, lack of funding opportunities, it leaves me with just Columbia and Georgetown. I must definitely apply to Oxford and maybe LSE now.

I really can't believe this has happened. I am simultaneously utterly and totally depressed and so angry with myself. I really have to start taking life seriously - this is an utter and total joke, even given all the extenuating circumstances. This kind of foolishness can change destinies.

Cold comfort: there is always next year.

Update: I have since finished off my Georgetown application and got it sent off. Hopefully there will be a good chance for that one. But reality still stands: I need to get my life sorted.

On a happier note, I had dinner with Julie at the Noodle Bar. It was nice getting some proper food down me instead of the microwavable stuff that I had been eating previously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You poor old thing: commiserations... don't you just hate the character-forming parts of life? Anyway, good luck with Georgetown, and do apply to Oxford and the LSE.

How are you getting on with Jonathan Strange? I have only read about 150-odd pages of it, and I found the style a little forced.

06 January, 2006  

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