Reviews, Reflections, Recollections

Just a blog filled with my usual irreverent observations about life and all that.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

enjoys reading and is perpetually trying to find space for all of the books he owns in his room. He also enjoys films, and in particular, going to the cinema. Although a self-confessed trivia buff, reports that he is an insufferable know-it-all are completely unfounded. He enjoys a nice glass of tipple now and then, be it a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a single malt whisky.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A 'Blah' Day

It was a typically blah day for me. I am really struggling to get motivated and to get things done. For the umpteenth time I must must and absolutely must get myself organized. Worse still, I am going to be in London tomorrow for a Jardine lunch and I will be meeting Adrian for dinner, hopefully to secure the keys to his London flat which will be immensely convenient for the vacation. I guess it was just one of those days: woke up, pottered around room, lunch, shelved books in the library, played on the pinball machine in the JCR, went to hall for dinner, quiz squad practice, pottered around in the Library printing articles, went home, wasted time on the internet (including this post) - surely there is more to life than this!

Things that need to be sorted: more laundry, Christmas shopping, Christmas cards, presents, food for holidays, holiday plans, US University Applications.... lots of other things that I cannot quite remember at the moment......


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