Reviews, Reflections, Recollections

Just a blog filled with my usual irreverent observations about life and all that.

Location: Singapore, Singapore

enjoys reading and is perpetually trying to find space for all of the books he owns in his room. He also enjoys films, and in particular, going to the cinema. Although a self-confessed trivia buff, reports that he is an insufferable know-it-all are completely unfounded. He enjoys a nice glass of tipple now and then, be it a pint of beer, a glass of wine or a single malt whisky.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

New Resolutions, New Resolve

I must admit that it is a very difficult task to keep resolutions. Nonetheless, I shall attempt to make - and keep - a new resolution. Fittingly enough in this context, the resolution is to maintain my blog regularly from now onwards.

I rather regret the fact that I have not been able to maintain many of my previous blogs, especially when I think about all that has happened in the intervening months - be they momentous or mundane. That, if anything, was a major prompting for a fresh start.

Although I am still relatively ambivalent about diaries, there are several reasons why I have decided to make a renewed effort at keeping this online journal. Firstly, I have realized how out of touch I am with a great many of my friends and relatives back home, many of whom I have not spoken to in a long while, and this journal will provide a means by which they can keep track of what I am doing, if only in a very impersonal way. This might undoubtedly seem rather narcissistic, and to a degree it certainly is, but the practical value to me makes it worth it, and I must admit that I have never been one to shy away from expressing his thoughts or views openly to begin with.

An added incentive of course, is that keeping such a journal is a great means of forcing myself to write, besides being a record of my own personal thoughts. If I intend at all to become a journalist, and that is an option that I have not ruled out, then it would be greatly advantageous to have practice in synthesizing and setting down my thoughts and opinions regularly. Also, on a more personal note, I think it will be interesting at some level for me to look back, something in the future at what I have written here - something to reflect and laught about when I am older, and hopefully wiser.


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